REKORD SI is a medium size company specialised in high-technology. The main aim of the company activities is producing and developing IT software.
The company was founded in 1989 by Janusz Szymura. It has become a nationwide company offering state-of-the-art IT solutions for public administration units as well as manufacturing companies. Based on 35 years of experiences REKORD SI has become a well-recognized producer of two proprietary softwarepackages: RATUSZ and REKORD.ERP. RATUSZ is one of the leading systems on the Polish software market that comprehensively supports functioning of public administration units. REKORD.ERP is an integrated ERP system to support management, which is fully adapted to the needs and expectations of Polish companies. The services of REKORD SI are used by over 300 public administration units and more than 200 enterprises throughout the country. The company as one of a few IT companies in the country build the own Research and Development Center. It supports innovative IT solutions and cooperation between business companies, the local government and science. The building is equipped with dedicated offices for developers, a modern data center room
and a conference auditorium.
Currently Rekord SI has 121 specialists. There work at following job posts: .Net Developer, Delphi Developer, Front-End Developer, Cybersecurity specialist, IT architect, IT analitic, Specjalist of implementing software and other posts. The REKORD SI is an initiator and organisator of the biggest Information Technology Festival in the south of Poland. The aim of “the BBdays4IT Festival“ is to integrate IT environment and popular good practices in sharing technology knowledge.
Link do the festival website: The Festival integrate over than 20 IT companies and the schedule is planned for 10 days full of interesting IT events. This festival is arranged in collaboration with the University of Bielsko-Biala.
The company support employees in development and talent acquisition. Employees have support in co-founding postgraduated
studies, trainings, conferences and other education activities. The company is deeply interesting in developing leadership skills. In the company work 121 specialists, 25 of them function as a Managers/Leaders of teams, 7 of them works as a Team Leader in Software Development Department. Therefore, the company was engaged in the research focused on the leadership. The company encourage leaders to participate in conferences and workshops to improve those skills.
In personal politic the company is strongly focus on developing employees and promote them at the leader posts. In the company there is many examples of management talents and promote workers to leaders` positions. The REKORD SI is constantly looking for new as well as innovative methods of work organization. The best example of this approach in our company is the practical implementation of the AGILE methodology, which is consistent with the AGILE manifesto.
REKORD SI conducted its own internship program for IT students who will become IT specialists. Rekord SI collaborates with The University of Bielsko-Biała, The WSB Academy, The School of Finance and Law, as well as The Jagiellonian University, The University of Zielona Góra, The University of Applied Science in Wałcz and The University of Žilina in Slovakia.
Rekord SI provides the access to some modules of produced software for educational aims. The owner of the company Janusz Szymura is a Member of the University Council at the Univesity of Bielsko-Biala. The company is invited by many Universities to consult modifications of studies programs to adapt them to current employers' needs. Rekord SI was invited to the projects funded by EU grants, like “STARTER". It is the social innovation of outsourced IT projects by IT Students as an implementation of solutions enabling the cooperation of the education and science sector with enterprises.
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