The University of Bielsko-Biala (till 31.08.2023 - Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej, since 01.09.2023 - Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski) was founded in October 2001 as an independent governmental academic institution.
Previously, since 1969, it had been a branch of the Technical University of Lodz (Politechnika Lódzka). The machine design, electrical, and textile industries are traditional for the region so the main education areas have been long established. With the change in the economy, there have also developed other fields of study including management, humanities, environmental and computer sciences. At present, there are about 7000 students studying at five faculties that employ experienced academic staff embracing professors and other specialists. Their number is constantly growing and currently, there are about 400 people, with 200 professors and doctors. The University of Bielsko-Biala is open to new ideas and opportunities to improve modern educational tools. Internationalization has become the most important objective of the University being constantly promoted through its participation in various European network projects. The University cooperates with institutions from all over the world and the number of agreements is growing rapidly each year - nowadays
the University of Bielsko-Biala has agreements with about 100 institutions in more than 25 countries.
The aim of the Computer Science and Automatics Department is to prepare students for graduate training in some specialized area of computer science, to prepare students for jobs in the industry, business, or government, and to provide support courses for students in engineering and other fields requiring computing skills. Upon successful completion, students demonstrate proficiency in problem-solving techniques using computer hardware and software, including both high-level and low-level programming languages and operating systems, in the analysis of complex problems and the synthesis of solutions to those problems. The graduates demonstrate comprehension of both modern software engineering principles and a breadth and depth of knowledge in the discipline of computer science. The University of Bielsko-Biala has significant experience in international programs such as Tempus, Erasmus, FP6, FP7, and Horizon 2020. The University of Bielsko-Biala also became a partner of Erasmus Mundus programs, such as SIGMA, ERAWEB, EUROWEB. Currently, the University is involved in the following programs: ERASMUS+, SIGMA Agile, EUROWEB+, ERAWEB, and GREEN-TECH. The University of Bielsko-Biala has a dedicated Office of International Cooperation that will support the project at all stages with expert advice and monitoring along with a dedicated EU project finance team.
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