The University of the Algarve (UAlg) is a public higher education institution, founded in 1979, where the polytechnic education and university education systems cohabit; is located in the Southern region of Portugal, specifically in the Algarve. With more than 9000 students enrolled in the 2022/23 school year, about 25% of the registered students are international, from around 80 different countries and around 1300 staff (teachers, employees and researchers). UAlg educational offer consists of the 1st cycle courses (46) taught in Portuguese, 2nd cycle courses (56) also taught in English, of which 6 are joint international Master courses Erasmus Mundus, and doctoral programs (19), 3rd cycle in different scientific areas – science and technology, management and economics, marine and earth sciences, social sciences and, health and wellbeing. UAlg research projects and international cooperation and mobility projects seek the development of innovative, entrepreneurial ideas that meet the principles set out in the 2030 UN Agenda. At the same time, since 2017, UAlg has appeared regularly in several international rankings that assess Higher Education and Research, standing out in several areas of knowledge (Sea, Health, Tourism and Heritage and Archaeology) and international rankings, namely, in the Times Higher Education (THE) in the Impact Rankings, which evaluates at the global level the performance and contribution of universities to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, considering, for the second consecutive time, that UAlg has improved its performance in this area. According to THE Young University rankings, UAlg stands out among the eight Portuguese HEIs by international projection; UAlg is again in the list of the best HEIs in the world in the areas of Tourism and Hotel Management. In the Shanghai Ranking's Global Ranking, including in 2020, UAlg remained in the Top 100, which selected the 300 best institutions from around the world. UAlg was awarded the "Gold" certification degree in the "Healthy Campus" program awarded by the International University Sports Federation (FISU). The academia is committed to the strategy of internationalization, at both education and research levels, in alignment with the national strategy. UAlg also values the strengthening of relations with Portuguese-speaking countries as a priority both in the context of higher education institutions (HEIs) and in the global context of development of Portugal. The alignment with the objectives outlined in the UN 2030 agenda is expressed from the start of UAlg in 2021 with academic and scientific activities where keywords such as sustainability, inclusion, climate change and digitization, among others, mark a daily life of the institution. UAlg has been actively participating in the Erasmus programmes since 1993, holding a recently approved Erasmus (ECHE) charter; is distinguished by the vast experience in coordinating several projects such as the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters, having been the first university in Portugal to coordinate a Master of this type (European Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management, 2004); participates in several consortia and projects such as International Credit Mobility (JAIMES, Merging Voices, Mare Nostrum, UALG Alliances), in addition to several Strategic Partnerships and several Capacity Building projects. It is for UAlg a commitment, challenge and a fundamental investment to integrate Erasmus+ mobility and cooperation projects that greatly contribute to promoting the internationalization and establishment of new networks of cooperation both at the academy level and at national level that will enable them to empower HEIs and empower their beneficiaries by making them more open to sensitive issues such as European citizenship, inclusion and diversity, development of new skills, among others.
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