TSNUK is a leading and one of the largest higher education institutions in Ukraine. On 21 April 1994, Kyiv University was granted the status of "National" by Leonid Kravchuk, the President of Ukraine by Decree No 176/94. Then on 29 July 2009 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with Regulation No 795 granted the University the status of being a self-governing and autonomous national research university, while providing increased funding for the future development of the university.
It comprises: 8 Institutes (Journalism, International Relations, Philology, High Technology, Military, Postgraduate Education, Biology and Medicine, Geology) and 14 Faculties (Geography, Economics, History, Computer Sience and Cybernetics, Mathematics and Mechanics, Sociology, Radiophysics, Psychology, Physics, Philosophy, Chemistry, Law, Information Technology, and Faculty for International Students). The University cooperates with over 280 higher education institutions and international organizations from 57 countries throughout the world. TSNUK as a powerful multi-branch scientific, research and training institution contributes to enhance the quality and training of its students, researchers and research facilities. The Internationalization aspects at the TSNUK include the introduction of the joint diploma programs for Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degrees and PhD, as well as to review and develop the curriculum in order to obtain double degrees in different study fields.
According to the Strategic Plan of TSNUK 2015-2020, adopted by the University’s Academic Senate on 18 May 2015, the increase of the academic mobility flows is among the priorities of our university. The University takes part in the project implementation within the TEMPUS and Erasmus Mundus (BMU-MID, MID, EMP-AIM, ELECTRA, HUMERIA), Jean Monnet and Marie Curie, HORIZON 2020 Programmes etc. During the 1st and 2nd call 2015/2016 Erasmus+ ICM projects TSNUK agrees to cooperate with almost 42 European universities.
The Faculty of Information Technology is a structural subdivision of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. It was established by the Order of the Rector Prof. Hubersky November 20, 2013, so it is the youngest faculty of the University.
The aim of the Faculty’s establishment is to propel the Kyiv University to the top in IT-professionals training.
Our faculty prepares high-qualified professionals in the following areas:
• Computer Science;
• Software Engineering;
• Security of Information and Communication Systems;
• Information Security Management;
• Informatics;
• Telecommunications
The Faculty’s key principle is “learning through practice”.The primary focus is on the practical experience of students in the following fields: software coding; creation of information technology systems and business management techniques and their implementation on domestic enterprises; design and development of computer networks and systems, development of future-generation intelligent systems (including robots, systems of natural language communication, systems, which recognize brain signals and convert them into appropriate actions of technical devices); intelligent programming; protection of information, information technology and systems from unauthorized access or harmful actions and management of this protection; construction of information and communication systems, which can implement effective technologies of information interaction, identification of necessary actions for IT development.
The department training is focused on the following aspects:
• Intellectual Software Systems;
• Integrated enterprise information systems engineering;
• The design of decision support and expert systems for various activities;
• The use of distributed systems and parallel computing in order to find effective solutions of practical problems;
• The use of Grid-and Cloud as technologies and resources for knowledge-intensive tasks solutions;
• Economic and technical systems optimization
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