We are pleased to announce that as part of the TransLeader project, a partnership agreement has been signed between the University of Bielsko-Biała (UBB) and Rekord SI sp. z o.o. The ceremonial signing took place on October 2, 2024, at the UBB campus.
The agreement was signed on behalf of the University by Rector, Dr. hab. inż. Jacek Nowakowski, Prof. UBB, and on behalf of Rekord SI sp. z o.o. by Piotr Szymura, CEO. The event was also attended by project representatives: Prof. Dr. hab. Vasyl Martsenyuk and Dr. inż. Tomasz Gancarczyk from the University, as well as Dr. Agnieszka Zielińska and Robert Gawlak from Rekord SI.
Rekord SI is a recognized leader in software development in the Podbeskidzie region. Their flagship product, RATUSZ®, is one of the leading systems on the Polish market, providing comprehensive support to public administration units.
We are confident that the collaboration between these two experienced partners within the TransLeader project will lead to the creation of an innovative model for training IT professionals.
Together, we are shaping the future of IT education!
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